Saturday, May 28, 2011

Recipe organizing

I think it's kind of sad that I still need my recipe book for my own creations.  I've made Flapjacks a-la glutenless probably three hundred times, but I can't get past the first step before I'm going "Crap, wait, what do I do next again?  Where's that darn recipe book?"

I guess at least I still remember how to start it.  Cook grits with butter, add Xanthan, then......   I dunno!  I'll have to look.  Something to do with eggs, and milk and corn flour, and maybe some other stuff, too.  And I scutter off to find the recipe book.

So I was thinking maybe I'd show you how I keep my recipes organized.  For me, what keeps me organized is being able to quickly reference, having a table of contents, and keeping the cards protected from spills.  The cards are supposed to say how to make the food, not have the ingredients of the food all over them and obscuring the words!

You'll need a cheep photo book, small permanent marker, your recipe cards, and two blank cards.
Here's my photo book.  It was $2, doesn't have to be anything fancy.
Add page numbers
Inside write the page number on each page (above) then create a table of contents (below) and fill in your recipe cards accordingly.  If you have a lot of recipes it helps to have a couple photo books by topic.
Table of contents
Ok, so that said, the flapjacks were definitely a success!  Yay.  See, I forget to eat sometimes, so this was kinda late in the day.  Oops.

AND, when I finished the flapjacks, I was full.  So I added two pinches of baking powder, and puta dab of butter in each of three teflon cupcake molds and put the batter in there.  (Aren't those just the cutest darned things you've ever seen?)  They came out great!  I want to try making them cheesy.

More related to the pancakes, wouldn't you know that Log Cabin came out with something I can eat!!  Nice! Carmel coloring is the bane of my existence because it's commonly derived from barley (and malt is too) and so I've been having to spend more than I'd like to for real maple syrup.  It's great, I love it and all, but when I was a kid I loved smothering each pancake in butter, stacking them up, and then drowning them in syrup.  That's an expensive habit to continue when syrup costs at least a buck an ounce.  This 22oz bottle has not corn syrup, and is the same price as a 9oz bottle of real maple!  Good deal!!

Pretty roses all over in the garden!

And I wore my Rolling Stones t-shirt today and picked a lot of  "early garlic" because I've got WAY too much garlic around.  If you know me and want some, just say so, it's ridiculous.

And my kitchen sink is busted.  I'll soon be displaying my skills with plumbing.... sigh.  It was quite the geyser of hot water, I got soaked.
Have a great night, all!!

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