Friday, May 25, 2012

Kitties + garden + arm therapy progress

This has nothing to do with cooking.  Lol.  I'm okay with that.  I think you'll live, too.  Hehe.

First, CAT IN A BAG!

And My garden is sweetness!  I provide you here with a short, unorganized, rambling tour.  Hope you enjoy!  Lol.

And did I tell you I broke my arm in February?  Well that explains my disappearance a bit, doesn't it?  Couldn't really type!    Lol.  I'm doing great, building muscle and getting strong again.  Been having my chiropractor coordinate my therapy, he is really helping, it's going great.  I'm enjoying playing around with 3 and 5 pound weights and hope to be able to lift my kayak to the car roof soon!

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