Saturday, May 26, 2012

CombODDnation: Hot Black Currant Jam + beef and collards

Something I've been making frequently recently is a desert I may as well call Hot Black Currant Jam.

1.5Cup black currants from freezer (I guess I'll be using fresh ones soon.)
1/4 to 1/2Cup dark brown sugar
1/4Cup water

Put on low simmer and cook down till it's not watery.  Everything caramelizes.  Lovely tart desert.  This makes enough for two.  Honestly, the tartness is a lot for a tummy to handle all at once, so make half the amount if you're only feeding one person... your tummy might not be so happy with you if you eat 2 people worth :)

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Have you noticed that my recipes are always estimates?  Honest, I never measure things.  I measure for you, specifically.  That's a lot of extra work, is what I think.  For my own purposes, I just look at it and say "that's about right" and keep on going.  You can't screw this up.  Oh, you could burn it, yeah, but the ingredients and proportions are so forgiving!

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Right now I'm making beef and collards.  When I get ground beef, I cut it into cubes and freeze it for later placing it on a skillet.  So I put collards from the freezer, and a cube of ground beef into the freezer and flipped things over until everything's cooked through.  Usually the collards have to come off the skillet first.

I ran out of frozen cabbage cubes because those are my preferred combination in this skillet food.  Beef and cabbage (red or white) skilleted together are fantastic and caramelize so nicely - which is kind of the idea with veggies and skillets, I think!

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