Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meowscellaney: Dishwasher Detergent

So I've got this great BIG post about how busy it is being a gardener this time of year all planned out in my head right now, but I'm too busy to put it together and get it to you.  Is that irony?

But I did get a second-hand dishwasher last week and it's most of the way installed, enough to use it!  And I found a recipe on Mother Earth News of making Dishwasher Detergent straight away.  No messing around with store bought stuff, here!  Not even for a second.  They gave the recipe by 'cups' but since this is such a bulk item, I'm preferring to think of it as 'parts' for ease.  Here it is!

You need:
A container that closes
A scoop
Washing Soda (found near the borax)
Baking Soda

In container, put:

2 parts baking soda
1 part washing soda
1 part borax

Close container securely, then shake violently (lol) to mix and break clumps.
Wait for dust in container to settle, then open and add the scoop.

That's it!  It does a grand job of washing dishes.  If you want a grand way to wash clothes, check out my Laundry Soap post.

This post is so short, I'll give you a closer photo of Lytkin HUGGING Randal as filler.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

CombODDnation: Easiest Nutbutter Cookies

The people have spoke; yes I'm listening.  You instantly pushed the Butter Cookies recipe to the second most viewed posting in my history, and first place is the Date 'n Nut Pie Crust.

It appears you like your gluten free sweets.
This considered, I have recipes that I have no business holding out on.

On to it, let's make the easiest cookies you've ever made.  Traditionally these are peanut butter cookies, but all nut butters work equally well.  I've made them with almond butter and also with hazelnut butter, so try whatever you fancy.

Preheat oven to 300 degrees, get all three ingredients out, and let's get started.  This makes about 18 cookies, you may consider doubling it.

Add 1/2 of an 18 oz tub of nut butter.  (So that'll be 9 oz)  This is peanut butter shown.
 Cream 1 cup sugar into this.  Yours may not be as dark if you used white sugar.
(I used dark brown.  Any real sugar is good.  I found that if using any sort of fake sugar, more than half fake sugar makes for slightly crumbly cookies, they're still yummy, though, so that's okay.

So mix in that egg.

When the egg's all mixed in, start making little balls of dough, about an inch wide diameter.  This doesn't have to be any where near exact, they end up different sizes and that's perfectly fine.
Dipping each in a bowl of sugar is optional, a nice touch.
Squish them with a fork.

Bake them for 10 minutes at 300 degrees.
Pull them out, for a moment they will look a little gooey/bubbly because the (pea)nut butter is actually still a bit melted.
It cools to a perfect bread texture.
Easiest cookies in the world.  Nobody is ever going to know they are gluten free (but I still label mine as such because that way people know not to put wheat cookies on top of them at parties).  People are going to love these.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

CookNote: Coconut Flour Fussing

I woke up this morning in such a mood to just disburse technical information about food.  Three posts for future reference in one day!  I'll not do this again for at least a year, I expect.

This one's about Coconut flour, the only genuinely fussy ingredient I ever use.

Just like many elements, there's a lot of side-light information about coconut flour that I always want to share inside the recipes. It seems better to share it all here now and link back to this for you to reference when applicable.  The outline format should help in quick reference for you so you can skip to what you need.

I'm planning to dredge up some more of my coconut recipes very soon and get them all out here.  I really thought they were here, but, well, they're not.

Coconut Flour info that follows:

A.) Why is it good?
B.) Acquiring
C.) Storing
D.) Important Tips for using
E.) Higher level technical crap for anyone who is so inclined to take interest.

A.) Why is coconut flour so great that I've bothered with it?

--Produces superior texture and taste.  Fantastic results.
--It stands alone.  You don't need other fancy stuff or messy mixes.  Once you have coconut flour, you're all set.
--You don't use much per recipe so it lasts a long time.

B.)  Don't have coconut flour?  Well, I expect you'll have to order it; I've never yet found a store that stocks it.

--I can do you a little favor in hunting this out to order.  I've been using coconut flour for a few years and haven't found a better price than at  Last I checked it was about $5 a pound, and you don't use much per recipe, so that lasts about the same as a regular 5 pound bag of other flours.
-- For your first order I can get you free shipping and a small discount, which you may as well use because after you make your first order you'll get your own code.  Sharing my code gets me referral discounts, so hey, win-win.  Here's my code for you: BEP390

C.)  Storage of the flour, and storage of finished baked goods.

--Once you have the flour, you might want to freeze it.  It keeps for forever that way.  Make sure it's sealed tightly so it doesn't get freezer burn.  Recipes don't use much flour, so even a small amount can last a while.
--When you've cooked whatever you're cooking, you can eat it immediately.  But if you're storing it, let it cool completely over night at room temperature then put in airtight containers and store in the refrigerator for best results.  
--Keeps for well over a week this way, usually over two weeks, actually.  You can tell if it's going bad if it's getting a little squishier.

D.) Hints for use in recipes.

--Gradually adding this flour to the recipe is important.  Add some, mix some, repeat.
--I recommend sifting this flour to avoid dry bumps of flour ending up in your baked goods.  
--Note: Make sure your flour sifter hasn't been used for gluten flour without seeing an automatic dishwasher, or soak in boiling water and rinse very well.  Sifters are hard to hand-wash.  
--Designated gluten-free sifter might be a good idea if you're really sensitive.
--If you keep your coconut flour at room temperature, this sifting isn't as important.  
--If you freeze your coconut flour to store it, then you'll have clumps at the end of sifting and you can smoosh those with your finger then finish the sifting.  
--Moisture retention- when fully cooked, baked goods remain a bit gooey until they cool completely.  This is delicious.

E.)  If you're a little geeky like me, some of this information might also fascinate you.

--Eggs protein is the primary ingredient used to support the fibrous bread like texture in coconut recipes.  You will use a ton of eggs.
--Fats are necessary in these recipes to make the heavy fiber soluble, it prevents dryness.  I use dairy fat.  8grams of fat per serving is the general benchmark to achieve optimal results.  Oil can be used instead.
--Coconut flour is ridiculously good for you.  Fiber rich, omega rich, protein dense, and delicious.

CookNote: ingredients of a less common nature

I realize that if you live in a remote area, there are a few ingredients I use (in addition to the coconut flour) that might also be a bit difficult for you to come by.  Ingredients are becoming more and more available in general stores, but this hasn't happened everywhere yet.  For your ease and understanding, here is a list of what I have around that's a bit uncommon and why I bother with it.

I store these all in the freezer so they last forever once purchased, for years and years.

Items that follow:
Xanthan Gum
Rice Flour
How to find it

Xanthan Gum

Keep things from crumbling and falling apart.  It's a binding agent.  I have made each of my recipes without this ingredient and it can be frustrating.  My recipes note any adjustments needed if you're not using it, but usually the basic result is just that things will do that messy crumbly thing.

Rice Flour

I prefer brown rice flour.  Rice produces a non-scorching flour perfectly suited for adding to greased pans because it doesn't burn or smoke, it is used for baking to prevent dough sticking to pan.  Rice flour is great because it has minimal taste so it doesn't detract from what you're baking.  Coconut flour sprinkling isn't good because it tends to burn in the grease lining, and corn has a distinctive taste so it isn't always a good idea depending on what you're making.  This is the best thing ever for lining bread, pie and cake pans so you can more easily remove them.  I also used it with my crustless quiche technique as shown in this picture with oil and rice flour.

Where can you get stuff like this?

--I'm able to find these things at most grocers.  They are usually organized in a less than logical location - in the organics section, or on a small shelf that is just for gluten free, or in a specialty item section.  Currently the most available brand is called "Bob's Red Mill" and sometimes there's just a section where that brand name is all kept together on a shelf.  Before you give up on your store, ask someone on staff to help you.
--I can do you a little favor if you think you might need to do mail order.  Prices at this site are fantastic:  For your first order I can get you free shipping and a small discount, which you may as well use because after you make your first order you'll get your own code.  Sharing my code gets me referral discounts, so hey, win-win.  Here's my code for you: BEP390

CookNote: skillet tricks

Every time I do something in a skillet,  I want to tell you all this side light information, and I think I'm getting redundant.  Redundancy is inefficient.  Hello separate post to link to in the future, welcome to the past.  Unless I link this for past posts to which it applies, which in that case, welcome to the future.

Yes.  Skillet stuff.
Exhibits that follow:
A. Preheating skillet
B. Oiling skillet
C. Why bother?
D. Why I like Olive Oil
E. Technique notes
F. That nifty airflip technique.

A.)  Preheating skillets is a step I often try to skimp on and then I regret.  You'll benefit by knowing what this step is doing for you.

--Preheat before oiling skillet (If you are using an oil with a very high smoking temperature you can cheat here a bit)
--A properly heated skillet will immediately sizzle a drop of water, which you can drip from your fingers.

B.)  Once skillet is properly heated as above, it is time to properly oil it.

--I do an oil prep first even if the recipe calls for butter in the pan, it reduces scorching and burned butter.
--Amount of oil is usually about 2 Tablespoons per 12 inch width of pan, if you need the measurements.  Eventually you won't need to measure.
--You'll want to spread the oil to evenly coat the entire pan surface.  Do this by tilting the pan in all directions until the oil has floated onto ever part of the surface.
--Now, if the recipe calls for butter, now add and melt the butter and repeat the spreading method.

C.)  Why bother with the above?

--Cooking oil on a cold frying surface will not prevent sticking.  If you've ever had to scrape your pan-fried food off the skillet by brute force, this is the most likely reason for that to have happened.

D.)  I prefer olive oil for everything, I don't buy any other kind of oil.

--It keeps kind of forever, other oils I used to keep around would quickly go rancid.
--It has a nice high smoking temperature so it's less likely to burn, stink the place up and ruin your food.
--Folks who know seem to think it's a healthier choice
--Very affordable
--I sure can't tell the difference in taste when I bake with it, and neither can anybody else I feed.  I use it in sweets like cookie and cake recipes and people can't believe it when I tell them those have olive oil.

E.)  Here is some random technique-ish stuff.

--Take extra care about it spitting.  I've had hot oil spit into my eye, which actually was not the worst thing and not near as bad as it sounds, but it sure wasn't fun either.  Oil is most likely to spit when a cold food is first placed on it (take care when flipping things), or if your lifter is wet (dry your metal or teflon spatula well before using).
--You can use more oil if you want, you can preheat the skillet on high then reduce heat for oil application.
--Taking care to break the edges free, before each side of your food is done cooking, really makes the job of flipping stuff over easier than you would imagine.  As soon as you see the edges crusting a bit, just slide the lifter under all the edges and leave the middle alone.  If you've done this well, the food may start to slide around in the pan, which is exactly what you want.

F).  So you want your food to fly?  Here is the air flip technique.

--If you want to do that trick you see with flipping eggs and pancakes in the air, use the high heat preheat, additional oil, and edge lifting (all mentioned in E, above). Also use a smaller than usual frying pan with nicely curled sides, the sides should come to nearly vertical rather than end at a 45 degree angle.
--This requires hand eye coordination, so make sure you have some of that, too.
--Do only one item/serving at a time.  Don't try to flip two pancakes at once, for example, they'll bounce off each other and go in the wrong directions.
--Making small circles with the pan, ensure that the pan fried food is floating freely, if not, break it free with the lifter and retest.
--The next few steps all happen within a split second.
--Once it's sliding freely in the pan, slosh the contents of the pan forward.
--When the food is slid halfway up the lip of the pan, snap the pan upward so that the food is now airborne.  Gently now, we're not going for massive height here, not until you've practiced a lot.  About an inch or two in the air will be the exact right to get the job done.  Once you've succeeded at the lower altitude  then you can try for more height gradually.
--If you've not done enough of an upward snap, the food will fold over on itself.  If you've hardly done any upward snap, your food may drape over the edge of the pan and need retrieved with the lifter.  Either way, that's okay.  Cook it that way, flip it with a spatula, and try again next next time with the appropriate adjustment in upward snap.
--Once the food is airborne, reach the pan forward to catch the food again.  It will have forward momentum and will fall a few inches forward of where the pan originally was.
--If all of the above went well, you have succeeded!
--If you miss the mark, oops, just let the stove top cool completely before you try to clean.  Don't burn yourself.

If you've read what you need, hit the back button to finish the post that brought you here so you can continue with the recipe more thoroughly informed.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

CombODDnation: Butter Cookies

Why goodness, my friend asked for the recipe for this and I realized I'd never posted it!  Believe me, I dug for it.  Really really thought it was posted up eons ago.  This is one of my Coconut Flour recipes.

Don't have coconut flour?  Never used it?  You'll like the post at this link.

So I was in a danger zone with this batch of cookies, I halved it and I'd not made them in a LONG time.  What do you need to know for that statement to make sense?  I cook by eyeballing things.  Measures are for for final versions or other people, estimates are more my style.  So I halved it and forgot to half the Xanthan measurement, so yeah, it didn't hurt anything.  Never does.  Baking is so much more forgiving than popular sentiment would have you believe.

So much of what goes into my note-card recipes require me remembering what I did.

I couldn't remember why it was ungreased cookie sheets, and tested that, and found out that they burn more on the bottoms when there's grease.  These really need parchment paper to completely avoid the singed bottoms, but ungreased does a fine job of sufficiently moderating the effect.  I also found out that the rack can't be too low, my lower rack cookies burnt a bit.  Still warm and wonderful inside though, so it's not slowing me down.

Here's the corrected recipe card, in that recipe book I've told you about, like a year ago.

And I decided to go ahead and do this one in the old tutorial style just for care sake.

Put your oven racks rather high, and preheat to 300 degrees.

For starters, cream together 1 cup sugar with 2 sticks soft butter.
Here I microwaved these two sticks for 45 seconds, straight out of the freezer, and it worked well.  Make sure they're in a bowl or on a plate if your zapping things, or else you'll have a mess.
Also, I had only one stick of unsalted butter left, turns out the salted type melted faster.  Go figure.

So there it is all creamed up.  I use dark brown sugar for everything now because I started avoiding refined and fake sugars about a year ago.  But you can do a combo or whatever, my original recipe said 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup splenda. At any rate, try not to eat too much creamed sugar and butter at this stage.  Oh man.

Next, add this stuff:
   1/2 cup whole milk (if using low fat milk substitute, add 1 tsp oil)
   2 eggs
  1/4 cup shredded coconut or coconut flakes
   1 tsp Xantan Gum powder
   3 Tbs Flax meal
   2 tsp cinnamon

And mix it up nice.

Then, gradually sift in 1/2 cup coconut flour.
   Hint #1: that gradually part is important.  Add some, mix some, repeat.
   Hint #2: Make sure your flour sifter hasn't been used for gluten flour without seeing a dishwasher.
I freeze my coconut flour so it keeps forever.  If you do, too, then you'll have clumps at the end and you can smoosh them with your finger then finish the sifting.  If you keep your coconut flour at room temperature, this sifting isn't as important.  The gradually adding part still is important though, regardless.
Then add about a cup of chocolate chips - these are semisweet - and stir with your spoon for this last part.
Then scoop little balls of dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet, like I said, no greasing.  I do recommend parchment paper here.

Bake 10-12 minutes, rotate pans, bake another 10-12 minutes.
(Next time I'll put my oven racks much higher.)

Let cool.
Makes about 3 dozen cookies.  If any survive, let cool completely at room temperature, then store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
I missed these so much!  Om-nom-nom.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

CombODDnation: Sausage Foldovers (+bonus:organizing)

 So, I've made stuffed sausage before, though I've never shown it to you.  Here, I'll show it to you now.  It will all be clear in a moment.

Then after I thought I had the stuffed sausage idea perfected, something even more yummy happened one day.  Sausage foldovers.

Don't worry, clarity will be obtained momentarily.  I promise.  And the above idea will be clear as day, and then you'll be able to do both stuffed sausage and sausage foldovers.  I promise.

But first!  Yeah, I like doing this whole tangent thing whenever I have your attention.  Have you noticed?
Yeah, so, first...
Let's talk about organizing!  (Huh?  Why?)
Well, I dunno, I'm a really busy person with nary time for keeping up with my trappings and even less motivation on the idea.  I like knowing where things should go but I really suck at actually consistently putting them in the spots I've decided on.

Results are that I end up with a sort of broken binary system; seriously: "It's either here, or it's there.  No?  Maybe either here or there?  No.  Well then I just don't know where it is, it's lost."  If you've ever lost something so well that the house ends up cleaner from the effect of looking for it, then you definitely understand me.  If not, then you can ignore me, you don't need my input.  Skip to sausage.

So my key to success is making it easy to put things away.  My favorite key is having "away" be the same place where something is most frequently used.  Second favorite key is labeled bins.  I'll show you each then I'll shut up about containers and move on to food.

Labeled bins... pick categories and use your shelves to the max?
I really love how I can just throw things in these bins haphazardly and they'll still be easy to find the next time I need them.

Baking supplies has in it...

Spices has in it...

The heavier things go on the lower shelves, or they're darned much a struggle to lift down.
Tea is what it sounds like.  Remedies is all basically herbals, vitamins, prescription leftovers, cold remedies and the like.  The wooden box is.... actually band-aides.  The little one called Measures segues me to the next thing.

Lives where it's used:

I have several sets of measuring thingies.  This has been accomplished by clever use of rummage sales.  In addition to the bin labeled "measures" which serves as the staging ground for measuring other sorts of what-not, I have several containers of dry stuffs that have a measure that "lives" in there.  The most commonly used measure employed for the item is the one destined for this purpose.  Tablespoon in the cocoa powder.  Cup measure in the corn flour (one with lines on it marking 1/4 and 1/2).   Etcetera.  It's that simple, really.

Only other thing to say for right now is that I store stuff I use frequently in clear containers so I know when I'm running out of it.  Coconut shreds, beans, and popcorn kernels, for example.  And, I think I've bored you enough, so...

Yeah, we're back to Sausage.  Starting with the spices!
 Put a table spoon each of fennel seed and cumin plus a teaspoon of hot pepper flakes (or to taste) on a large plate.  You'll be working with about 3 pounds ground meat product for this amount of spice and it will be pretty hot.  Feel free to use any spices that make you happy.  Fennel, Cumin and pepper heat makes me happy.

In portions, kneed the ground meat onto the spice plate, folding until the spice is well incorporated.  Make several, set them aside.

Smoosh each of these patties very flat on the plate, put a leaf of chard on top, then a dolup of cream cheese on top of that.  Fold the meat over to enclose the cream cheese, allow the chard to extend past the now taco-shaped foldover.  The picture shows construction clockwise from bottom right :)  At the top is a cooked and completed one.  Very thin pressed ground meat allows for the foldover to cook at higher temperatures so that the cheeses melt nicely.

 Cook on each side for about 15 minutes on oiled skilled medium-low heat.  Cook up the extra greens while your at it, they make a great fried greens side dish.

Enjoy!  Have fun with it!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

CombODDnation: beet chicken roast

First off, look at this cute web covered in dew in the morning in my fence.  So small and intricate, I can't get over it.  This is a concession, I'd really LIKE to show you the up-close zoom picture of the large and amazing looking arachnid colored black and gold in my garden, but I'm sure that won't sit well with many.  So a cute little web in a fence finial bedazzled with shimmering dew, it is.

So I made beet chicken.  I said something about it in my soft diet post a bit ago.  And here it is!

This was so yummy and so simple.  Here's what I did.
Stick a chicken in a pan.  (Make sure there's not gizzards still in the cavity.)
Cup up beets (these are from my garden) put some in the cavity and the rest in the pan around the chicken.
Pour about 2 cups water in pan.  (Make sure not to drown the chicken because the beets make it so red that the submerged parts will be hard to tell if they are fully cooked, you'll have to watch your pop-up timer and also cut into the above-beet-water part of the bird to test for done-ness.)
Drizzle with molasses (optional, nice touch.)

It'll look like this and be ready to stick in the oven.

So, my joy of cooking says cook at 400 degrees until thigh registers at 180 degress, which for a 4 pound bird is 55-65 minutes, plus 8 minutes for each additional pound.

So that's what I did.  This was a 5lbs bird so I cooked at 400 degrees for an hour-10.

And cutting into it, it looks gorgeous, except that it's blurry.  Steam.  Yup, steam makes for blurry photos.  Sorry!  Anyways:
 It just fell apart on the fork, so tender.
The thigh and leg took on a lot of the color of the beets, bright and cheery!
So there you have it, enjoy!

CombODDnation: flip-spiced eggs

I've been getting Amish eggs at the farmer's market.  Not only do they accept my copiously collected egg cartons (dang do I ever have too many)  but these eggs are delicious and the chickens are well kept and I actually get to meet the people who produce them.  Basically, I'll be sad in winter when this luxury is no longer right outside my workplace door every Friday.  I'm such a sucker for convenience it's downright sad.

So I have this lovely little trick for what I call flip-spiced eggs.

Preheat your skillet on low and gather up your spices.  Once the egg's on there, you're gonna have to act fast!

To spice my eggs this time, I used: fresh sliced garden cayenne and whole fennel seeds.
(You can use all kinds of whatever suits your fancy, cumin is fantastic, hot pepper flakes, curry, or whatever you like to have, go for it.)
Whatever you're spicing with, have it ready now, before you get started.

Oil the skillet and spread oil evenly.  I use olive oil.  Put the egg(s) on.

Now's the time to ACT FAST: put your spices on your egg before it cooks.

If you don't like runny eggs, you have the option to cut the yoke now, which I did on my second batch to show you.

Doing more than one egg will require you to divide the eggs before you can flip it, which is easy peasy to do. Just use your flipper to draw a line down the middle and they're separated to flip one part at a time.

Now flip the egg over when the middle starts to look mostly well done.

Cook it on side two for just a moment, long enough to finish cooking through, and then serve!  Add more oil to the skillet if you're going to cook a second batch.

Wasn't that easy?  Enjoy!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

EatNote: Soft Diet Survival

Who wants to know why September was such a slow month?  WELL!  I think the title says a lot already.  A split filling led to the worst sinus infection I've ever had.  That was a little bit back, couple weeks ago, and I've been generally well in most recent weeks, there's just so much to catch up on! I broke the fast with a beet-stuffed chicken (which I'll show you later) I'd been on a soft diet for nearly two weeks due to pain.

I only lost 7 pounds, which is VERY good, because most weight loss is muscle mass loss for me.  When I lose size, I stay the same weight, or end up heavier.  I have an interesting metabolism.  So minimizing weight loss during a period of abnormal eating is important; I am smaller, but didn't suffer drastic weight loss and I can still lift the same weights I could before I was ill.  Hooray!

Managing a soft diet while maintaining gluten free is a little different than the average.  Doing it while taking good care of your body requires an extra special touch.

Part of the key is to watch out for too much sugar in whatever you are eating, since much of the misery of existing on soft foods can be found in the effect of the sugar high/crash cycle.  It's also a very good idea to avoid chemically processed ingredients (fake sugar and other fake stuff) with more care than usual since you won't be eating the substantial items that usually serve to dilute the effects of those, they'll quickly lead to a rather blah feeling.

If you're ill enough that you can't eat solid food, the most important thing is to look after your muscles.  Your muscles need protein, and you can't over-do it.  Simply be aware that you should never exceed 75% protein in your diet.  You can supplement the protein with either fat or carbs, and many progressive dieticians are starting to advocate that fat is the healthier choice, since it seems the body more readily converts carbs into fat, and science argues the body may actually be converting fat into beneficial acids and vitamins.  This is what the Palean noise is all about, but you can take your pick on that.  Everyone's metabolism is unique, just like I was saying about my need for cows.  Human dietary needs are much more complex than we generally give credit.

So what proteins are truly soft?  For two weeks I lived primarily off of yogurt, gelatin, bananas, and those crazy baby tomatoes.

Yogurt from whole milk contains 10 grams of protein per 8 oz, and just 6 grams fat.  Knox gelatin contains 8 grams protein and basically nothing else!  Bananas are good fiber and vitamins and are easily squishable.   The baby tomatoes are just always there.  And spiced dark chocolate cocoa, too.

All of these things are ridiculously easy.  I live alone, and the cats can't prepare food for me.  The first couple days I was fussing with making grits, too, but with as bad as I was feeling, even that was effort.  Effort I didn't necessarily want to expend.  Are you getting the idea that I felt horrid, from all this?  Because I definitely did.

The yogurt was all basically lego yogurt style.  I ate a ton of yogurt due to the antibiotics being horse pills.  Sometimes I smooshed bananas into the yogurt.

Knox Gelatin is the only not-obvious bit of all this.  I warmed fruit juice and dissolved the gelatin packet straight into that!  45 seconds warming of a mug of juice in the microwave on high gets cold (straight out of refrigerator) juice to a nice dissolving temperature.  And then just drink it warm, toss an ice cube in it to make it a cold drink, or heat it up another minute to make it hot like a tea.  I used a generic equivalent of juicy juice because I didn't want the extra sugars that are so inherent to most commercial juices.

There are plenty of foods out there, this was just my approach to getting through a very unpleasant time.  Considering most suggested soft food diets focus heavily on bread, and since I had such success as far as not wasting away even with having to maintain it for nearly two weeks, I wanted to let you all know.

That new "greek" yogurt that is so readily available would be a good idea, it has about 12 grams protein  which is impressive.  Cottage cheese, and just about anything you can throw in a food processor, peanut butter (or any nut butter, really) hot cereals like grits or oatmeal, sliced overly ripe peaches, grapes, deviled eggs, cream cheese on tomato slices (oh gosh that's so good), egg salad and lots of other things are also good options.

Hey, STAY HEALTHY!  This isn't any fun.  Glad to be back in action here and back at posting things for you.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A G-20 anniversary post

In honor of G-20 having ended in Pittsburgh three years ago today, I wanted to re-post my immediate thoughts following the event.  This is from the blog site I had at the time.

A day in the life working during Pittsburgh's G-20 in Oakland.
Originally posted 9/27/2009 11:12:26 AM

No, no recipes or garden notes today, I simply would like to write down all the events from yesterday while they are still fresh in my mind.

I work in the Pittsburgh area, in Oakland, right where the most damage to windows occurred on the night of Thursday, September 24th 2009.  Thursday I took a vacation day, on Friday I worked.  This is because I have was on the skeleton crew that day.  Thursday I spent the day scoping out where I would park, and also saw the riot police setup for the Lawrenceville riots - no,  mind you, not on purpose.

I'm the kind of person who does not care to see, I only care to ensure that I am as safe as I possibly can be.  Never the less, due to my location yesterday, I still saw what seems like a lot to me.

I caught the bus from about 10 miles outside of the city, parking in a public park that was far enough away that it was not going to be a staging ground for any protestors.  While waiting for the bus I could hear a police radio, which was very close by, but I could not see anyone.  That was a bit eerie, especially since everything else was so amazingly quiet.  My bus came and I was the only one on the bus for the first 20 minutes.  My bus driver was talking to me about his experiences he'd had already that morning.  At 7am that morning he had already needed to have the secret service come collect a person who was handing out fliers for a protest that had no permit.  This is illegal because the bus is government property, apparently.  Nine secret service agents arrived, he told me, within moments of his radioing in to traffic command reporting the problem.  The man was arrested.  My bus driver was a bit shaken up, I could tell, and I was just talking to him about staying safe.  He told me also that he had to go through two military check points every time he ran his round that day.

Then we got to 5th and Craig, we all noticed a riot police formation organizing at the corner.  Our bus driver stopped, got out, crossed the street in the middle of the block through traffic, and talked to an officer on the other side.  After about 3-5 minutes he got back on the bus and kind of murmured "I just got commandeered for police transport."  He sat back in his seat and began to drive again.  I asked him quietly whether he needed us to get off.  It would not have been very inconvenient, since this bus comes past very frequently and was running ahead of schedule.  He explained that he would take each of us to our destinations and comes straight back after that.  As I exited the bus I felt a bit badly for him, so I pointed out to him that he would be much safer today with a bus full of police officers than possible protesters.  He agreed, and maybe looked a little less stunned in response to that.  As I walked from the bus stop, I was noticing the official vehicles.  Remembering the look of the FBI vehicles that arrived in response to a bank robbery that I was working at the bank at the time, I noticed more of them, I think.  Black Cadillac sedans and SUVs were everywhere.  As I walked down the street that had all the broken windows, it was not the boarded windows I noticed, but the Australian secret service sedan that pulled up next to me to park.  They are marked with a sticker in the windshield with the  national flag.  They were all in black suits with the ear-bud feed, I was actually surprised the windows weren't darker, but if they were darker the car would not blend in as well, I guess.  Will all these things just on the way in, I was glad to see that my main lobby doors still had glass, and that the doors were locked so I had to use my key card.  When I arrived upstairs, I arranged to have all but the door by me (I'm receptionist) remain locked, by placing scotch tape over the key holes.  Only two coworkers even bothered asking why, each of whom readily accepted my answer that it was so I could keep a better eye on the security of our suite and quickly secure our floor if needed.  The lobby doors automatically unlock for access to our building in the morning, then lock again at night.

Most of the morning was very quiet, though the nervousness of my coworkers was evident from how much everyone was gravitating toward telling stories of what they'd seen or experienced related to the G-20.  Things were no longer quiet shortly before 11:30, the scheduled start time of the protest.  Outside our building I heard the barking of many many dogs.  We looked out the windows to see that the K-9 squads had just arrived, well over 30 k-9 units of Shepherd and Malinios breeds were barking quite angrily on the street below, just outside our front door.  Then three public transit buses arrived and around 150 riot gear police piled out and went into formation.  Just across the street a small group of protesters were dancing, and then some of them threw poo-burgers (human fecal matter carried in a hamburger bun) at a store front.  The police group just got out the bullhorn and announced "Clear the sidewalk now or you will be arrested."  The group dispersed immediately into all directions, and the sidewalk was cleaned and hosed off, literally within 3 minutes, I've never seen a sight get cleaned up so quickly.  It was like it never happened.  The k-9 and riot police units then deployed to their stations where the protesters march was to take place one block up from my building.  I felt bad that the k-9s were mostly really going nuts.  I imagine that the dogs could smell drugs and were doing exactly as they were trained to do when they smell illegal substances, which is pull against their leash and bark a lot.  A very intimidating sight.  Once again, this whole group came and went so quickly it was as though they had never been there.

Several officers were stationed on our corner for the rest of the day, and soon we could see the marchers going by on the street they had a permit for, just a half block up from us.  Several of my coworkers left to go take a look then after a while came back reporting that they had stopped the march just before the birmingham bridge and they felt concerned that there may be stand-off.  Turns out the stop was only temporary, seems something had to be cleared from the scheduled parade route.  Soon after I got a notification from our public transit that they were halting all bus service into downtown outside of city limits on federal orders.  That was repealed around 4:30pm.  Between about 2 and 5pm everything was pretty quiet.

I left work at 5, and proceeded to head toward my bus stop, which I had double checked on our public transit's twitter feed to make sure my bus would not be re-routed in any way.  At that time, every bus stop on 5th and Forbes, going in both directions, from Craft to Craig, all had 2-5 riot gear police stationed within 10 feet of the stop sign.  One young girl at my bus stop was trying to engage an officer in a conversation about some cause she supported, and he was just laughing quietly about it and letting her talk from about 7 feet away from him.  The other two officers there were looking quite purposed.

As we drove out of oakland I saw many people who had obviously been demonstrating earlier just hanging around.  Some had their banners still, some had their faces painted up, some just otherwise looked the part.  I was glad I was leaving, because while it was generally an atmosphere of celebrating a sucessful day, and there were joyful lawn games and people playing music, I also felt there was some lingering tension that was probably going to build into another potential problem once the evening carried on a bit longer.

I got a call and a text message from my employer's emergency notification system later that night stating that conditions may be deteriorating in the Oakland area.  At around midnight I was still at an all-night diner in a town near my house, the diner is about 4 miles outside the city, and 6 miles from Oakland.  My friend and I left around then because a group of young people arrived who were acting very strangely, some still wearing face paint, they started practicing gulf putting, clapping, cheering a bit, and otherwise loitering in the parking lot.

I believe this covers everything I witnessed yesterday.  I just wanted to write it down while I still remember it all pretty clearly.

In parting, a picture my co-worker took while going to check out what was going on outside:

I wonder if that was my commandeered bus from the morning?  ^_^

(Originally posted 9/27/2009, unedited from original form.)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meowcellaney: Wallpaper Prep

HOUSE RANT WARNING!  You have been warned.  Continue at your own risk.

Who-da thunk?  Historically wallpaper paste, known commonly as "sizing," is made from Wheat Flour!  Well, now doesn't that just pose a bit of a dilemma.

See, I have this ceiling that I want to paper with a neat-o blown acrylic tin-look wallpaper.
Here's the ceiling:
Here's the wallpaper.

So, I'm reading instructions all over the webs and stuff.  Like, yeah, that's plaster.  Actually, I think it's horse hair lath.  My house took it's form somewhere between 1886 and 1900; the census data, deed, and city maps all disagree.  The deed says 1903, the maps give range from 1886-1908 since they weren't produced regularly, the census shows 13 people aged 2 - 52 living in this tiny 4 room dewlling during 1900.  So it appears to have been here by 1900, at least to some extent.  More research needed.  Regardless, though, the original wall stuff is still what composes the interior throughout.  I stripped these walls of their many many layers of paint and old paper, and primed, but that's just normal primer sealer.  Not wallcovering primer sealer.  I didn't know, when I painted, that there was a difference.  But it's sounding like that's less of a quandary when there's plaster in question than there would be with dry wall.  Outside of the redone bath, there is no drywall in this house.  So I'm pondering, because I wasn't really considering doing more priming.  I have to read the primer bottle again, from the primer I did get, need to find out exactly what I do have slathered up there.

Got the primer at Construction Junction when they still sold paint for $5 a gallon.  Oh how I miss that paint selection.  They say it was too costly to them to continue their salvaged paint sales.  My version of being low VOC and saving the earth stemmed from wanting to save money.  But when I thought about it more I realized that the used paint was going to give off it's VOC anyways, and then land in a landfill, so the fact that I was using it was decreasing the ecological foot print, and I was saving money too.  That's a good oops.  Did you know that if you take a sealable container to Home Depot, they will put paint tint in it for you for free?  So I can touch up the colors I have with paint tint at no cost.  The clerk looked at me really weird, but he handed it right over, with the blessing "if you really want it?"  They did the same for my mom on a distinctly separate occasion, and for a friend of my mom's whom she learned of this from, so there is a pattern of behavior here.

Except for the bad sound quality and goofy looking person, this is a pretty darned good tutorial.  However I bet he's just plain crazy for using sissors to trim the edges; I like the way lowes demonstrates trimming, instead.  So I need a straight edge trim guide.  Yes, you heard me!  There actually is a tool I don't already have.  OH MY!  (I also still don't own a monkey wrench.  I think I'm afraid of attracting monkeys.)

To re-prime or not to re-prime.  That is the question.  Whether tis nobler in the mind to... rely on the non-pourous nature of historic plaster, or to oppose the work I've thus far endeavored to bring more paint and risk ruining the painted surfaces I've created with new primer splatter.

Yup.  That is indeed the question.

More on this soon!