Sunday, October 14, 2012

CombODDnation: Butter Cookies

Why goodness, my friend asked for the recipe for this and I realized I'd never posted it!  Believe me, I dug for it.  Really really thought it was posted up eons ago.  This is one of my Coconut Flour recipes.

Don't have coconut flour?  Never used it?  You'll like the post at this link.

So I was in a danger zone with this batch of cookies, I halved it and I'd not made them in a LONG time.  What do you need to know for that statement to make sense?  I cook by eyeballing things.  Measures are for for final versions or other people, estimates are more my style.  So I halved it and forgot to half the Xanthan measurement, so yeah, it didn't hurt anything.  Never does.  Baking is so much more forgiving than popular sentiment would have you believe.

So much of what goes into my note-card recipes require me remembering what I did.

I couldn't remember why it was ungreased cookie sheets, and tested that, and found out that they burn more on the bottoms when there's grease.  These really need parchment paper to completely avoid the singed bottoms, but ungreased does a fine job of sufficiently moderating the effect.  I also found out that the rack can't be too low, my lower rack cookies burnt a bit.  Still warm and wonderful inside though, so it's not slowing me down.

Here's the corrected recipe card, in that recipe book I've told you about, like a year ago.

And I decided to go ahead and do this one in the old tutorial style just for care sake.

Put your oven racks rather high, and preheat to 300 degrees.

For starters, cream together 1 cup sugar with 2 sticks soft butter.
Here I microwaved these two sticks for 45 seconds, straight out of the freezer, and it worked well.  Make sure they're in a bowl or on a plate if your zapping things, or else you'll have a mess.
Also, I had only one stick of unsalted butter left, turns out the salted type melted faster.  Go figure.

So there it is all creamed up.  I use dark brown sugar for everything now because I started avoiding refined and fake sugars about a year ago.  But you can do a combo or whatever, my original recipe said 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup splenda. At any rate, try not to eat too much creamed sugar and butter at this stage.  Oh man.

Next, add this stuff:
   1/2 cup whole milk (if using low fat milk substitute, add 1 tsp oil)
   2 eggs
  1/4 cup shredded coconut or coconut flakes
   1 tsp Xantan Gum powder
   3 Tbs Flax meal
   2 tsp cinnamon

And mix it up nice.

Then, gradually sift in 1/2 cup coconut flour.
   Hint #1: that gradually part is important.  Add some, mix some, repeat.
   Hint #2: Make sure your flour sifter hasn't been used for gluten flour without seeing a dishwasher.
I freeze my coconut flour so it keeps forever.  If you do, too, then you'll have clumps at the end and you can smoosh them with your finger then finish the sifting.  If you keep your coconut flour at room temperature, this sifting isn't as important.  The gradually adding part still is important though, regardless.
Then add about a cup of chocolate chips - these are semisweet - and stir with your spoon for this last part.
Then scoop little balls of dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet, like I said, no greasing.  I do recommend parchment paper here.

Bake 10-12 minutes, rotate pans, bake another 10-12 minutes.
(Next time I'll put my oven racks much higher.)

Let cool.
Makes about 3 dozen cookies.  If any survive, let cool completely at room temperature, then store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
I missed these so much!  Om-nom-nom.

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