Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Breakfast grits for dinner

Well, while my facebook friends are offering up several potential captions on this picture of Randal...

I'm thinking yellow eggy grits are the best idea for dinner.  Because I'm feeling lazy.

Prep one serving of grits as indicated on packaging
Add 2 tbs butter
Fry 2 eggs over-easy
Stir them into the grits so that the yolk colors the grits
If you really feel adventurous, you can chop up a strip of bacon and add that too.

It's southern.  It's not even my recipe.  A southern grama's grits... but that's not even my grama I'm talking about.  Somebody else's grama's grits.  They're amazing.

Here they are sans-bacon.  Because I don't have bacon right now.

Oh, I almost forgot, the southern grama also recommends small cheese cubes melted in.  Cheese makes me fat, so I only buy it when I feel like being spoiled.

Do you know a trick for getting a nice over-easy egg?  My trick involves instructions.  You'll need ample olive oil preheated in the skillet.  Set the heat a little higher than the lowest setting.  Slide the metal spatula all the way under the egg just when the bottom of the egg looks bubbly and solid white instead of translucent.  This last bit keeps the egg from bonding with the skillet, which is what makes it so hard to flip later.  As soon as it's flipped just cut the heat, the suddenly lower heat level there is nice to keep the inside of the egg yolk all nice and runny but still give the egg enough time to be able to deal with being lifted back off the skillet without breaking and leaking all over the place.  Here's the example.

And look, Lytkin is following in Randal's footsteps...
He's still young, give him time to work on it.  :)

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