Thursday, November 10, 2011

Banana Squishers and a kitty

Hi everybody!  I have very interesting news!  Very interesting news indeed.

On Tuesday October 18th, sadly, my little canary buddy passed away.  The best I can figure, he possibly suffered a stroke that slowly took hold over 3 days, he just kept getting more clumbsy on his right side.

So that night I burried him, candles lit, a little ceremony for 'soul release' which is something I do for everything I love that passes on, human or otherwise.  My canary was in a mason jar for a coffin, layed in Sage and Rue branches, and I was meditating on what I would want to tell him to send his soul on to the afterworld.  It was coming to peace when...

A little cat that looks almost exactly like my Little-one who died in April comes meowing up into the yard wanting love and cuddles.  I think Little (the cat) and Widly (the canary) coroborated in spirit to bring me a friend!  How could I turn him away!  I've named him Lytkin.

Look at the resemblance!

I have to get him checked out.  I pulled three ticks off him, gave him frontline, fed enough that he isn't so boney anymore, he does need fixed.  He clearly used to have humans, he knows the ropes, even knows what a can opener is, and sleeps through me scratching his head, he's very domestic.  People dump animals up here because of the wooded hillside.  That's my guess.  There is trouble in paradise, I think he has a hernia.  I'm going to get him all checked out soon.  ARL has the inexpensive spay program, and whenever I took Randal in they yoinked his bad tooth while he was sedated for the snip-snip and it didn't cost me any extra.  A hernia is a lot more complicated, though.  I really don't know if it will be ok, but at least I can keep him healthy and happy longer than he would have been living out in the wild.

So the two kids are getting on just fine now.  Randal likes to be the big boss, and sometimes pummels him a bit, but they're working it out.

So I have a fun snack idea for you.

Banana Squishers!!

Step 1: slice bananas.
Step 2: put your favorite nut butter on half the slices
Step 3: squish the peanut butter with another banana slice

SO EASY!  Kids like them, they're fun, a little messy, and even healthy!  Here I used Almond butter.  Peanut butter or whatever is also awesome.

And for Halloween I put Reeses Pieces on them like they had eyeballs.  The kids at that party really loved them.  These were made with peanut butter.

So do you want to see more pictures of the kitty?  Would that be something lovely?  Well, I'm not sure what your answer is, but here's more pictures of the new kitty anyways.

Look at the tummy stripes!

And bright beautiful eyes 
 (After a few days of good food, tick removal and de-worming, boy he got bigger pretty fast, he had some growing to catch up on, apparently, and his eyes got a lot brighter, he's so much happier and healthier, it didn't take much even, just some love and some bug removal.)

Look at his sweet sleepy head

Wondering what the heck a camera is...

Crashed out in my lap, so tired.

A little more curious about the camera now.

Yes, this is Lytkin.  Randal's going to have to share the spotlight.  :)

1 comment:

  1. The camera definitely likes Lytkin! I say hooray for new friends guided by old.

    Also, Banana Squishers look yummy. I think I will get some fancy toothpicks to try them out with, to reduce the messy factor. ^^
