Friday, November 11, 2011

Banana Peppers Stuffed-up Easy

I'd like you to have to opportunity to laugh at the fact that I'm posting my blog backlog in alphabetical order!  How ridiculous am I?  I guess it has to be in some order, and that's a good enough order for me.  You'll see, this is a little while ago.

Look how well my hot banana peppers did this year!!

Garden dork side-track time!  They are growing over a salvaged bamboo coffee table, which turns out to be a perfect support for peppers, and at the base I've embedded a bottomless juice bottle in the ground, lid off, with the top in the ground. This allows me to water the peppers by simply filling the juice jug with water and it doesn't run off, it all goes straight to the roots where it's needed.  This system has done wonderfully.  End tangent.

While I was harvesting, I simmered up some ground beef and pre-cooked rice (I cook brown rice each week and put it in the fridge for myself), but you could cook down some rice in the pan, then add the ground beef when the rice is ready.  I also added some cumin, it's my favorite.

Picking nice straight peppers, I cut and cored them.  A slice across the cap that doesn't sever the rear wall, and a zipper slit down the top does the trick, then reach in and pull out however much of the seed structure you can reach.

Stuff the peppers from near the top of the pepper then use a spoon to slide it down towards the smaller tip.  Okay, watch this short video to see what I mean.  10 second video saves about 95 characters in explaining, haha.  And yes, the video is pretty crappy, whatever.

And bake-em.  It was at 350, and aw dang, how long?  I think this was about 20 minutes.  Yes, that is what I think.  Please keep an eye on 'em, ok?

They'll look lovely when they're done.  Yay!!

Enjoy, they're freaking killer delicious.

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